Felttog |
Era |
Hæ S |
Språk |
C af ar bg ca ca cs da de el en@shaw en eo es et eu fi fr fur gl he hr hu id is it ja ko la lt lv mk mr nb nl pl pt pt racv ro ru sk sl sr sr sr sr sv tl tr vi zh zh |
A lich is the physical embodiment of black magic's first goal: the quest to achieve immortality. Though a great deal is sacrificed in the rebirth, in becoming a lich one cheats death of that which truly gives it terror. For it is the mind that is retained, and the spirit which follows, though the body may wither away.
It is not known, save perhaps by the inner circles of necromancy, whether life is prolonged indefinitely or simply extended. But the fact that this question can be raised at all, testifies to the magnitude of what their order has achieved.
Special Notes: The unit has magical attacks, which always have a high chance of hitting an opponent. Enheten kan suge til seg livskraft fra levende fiender for å gjenvinne egen helse. This unit's arcane attack deals tremendous damage to magical creatures, and even some to mundane creatures. Denne enheten kan holde seg i skjul, neddykket på dypt vann.
Advances from: | Mørkekunstner |
Forfremmes til: | |
Kostnad: | 50 |
HP: | 60 |
Forflytning: | 6 |
XP: | 150 |
Grad: | 3 |
Sinnelag: | lyssky |
ID | Lich |
Egenskaper: | dykke |
![]() | berøring arkan | 8 - 3 nærkamp | blodsugende |
![]() | froststorm frost | 12 - 3 avstand | magisk |
![]() | skyggebølge arkan | 9 - 3 avstand | magisk |
Resistances: | |
hugg | 10% |
stikk | 30% |
slag | -10% |
ild | -20% |
frost | 60% |
arkan | -40% |
Terreng | Forflytningskostnad | Forsvar |
Borg | 1 | 60% |
Dypt vann | 3 | 10% |
Fjell | 3 | 60% |
Flate | 1 | 40% |
Frossen | 2 | 30% |
Grotte | 2 | 40% |
Grundt vann | 3 | 20% |
Kystrev | 2 | 30% |
Landsby | 1 | 60% |
Sand | 2 | 30% |
Skog | 2 | 50% |
Soppvokst grotte | 2 | 60% |
Sump | 2 | 30% |
Ufremkommelig | - | 0% |
Utilgjenglig | - | 0% |
Åser | 2 | 50% |