Szint 2
Szintlépés után: Elvish Enchantress 
Szintlépés után: Elvish Shaman
ÉP: 41 Ár: 34 Lépés: 5 Beállítottság: semleges TP: 100
The world of faerie is far more potent than the corporeal world. Simply bringing some of this world into our own can have violent results. This is well-understood by the elves, although rarely used with malicious intent; doing so is no easy task, and is a very ill-regarded use of their strength.
Those able to do so are roughly titled as 'sorceresses' by other races; and certainly are capable of acting the part. The ranged attacks of this unit are magical, and always have a high chance of hitting an opponent. This unit is able to slow its enemies, halving their movement speed and attack damage until they end a turn. This unit's arcane attack deals tremendous damage to magical creatures, and even some to mundane creatures.
Név | Típus | Ütések | Hatótávolság | Különleges | |
![]() |
bot | ütés | 4-2 | közelharc | |
![]() |
behálózás | ütés | 4-3 | távolsági harc | lassítás |
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mesebeli tűz | távolsági harc | 7-4 | távolsági harc | mágikus |
penge | 0% |
hideg | 0% |
tűz | 0% |
távolsági harc | 0% |
ütés | 0% |
páncéltörés | 0% |
Terep | Lépés | Védekezés |
Várkastély | 1 | 60% |
Falu | 1 | 60% |
Mélyvíz | 99 | 20% |
Sekélyvíz | 3 | 20% |
Mezőség | 1 | 40% |
Erdőség | 1 | 70% |
Dombság | 2 | 50% |
Hegyvidék | 3 | 60% |
Láp | 2 | 30% |
Homok | 2 | 30% |
Barlang | 3 | 30% |
Hó | 2 | 30% |
Gombamező | 2 | 50% |
Szakadék | 99 | 20% |